Monday 10 August 2009

First Bit of Good News In a While

I feel quite happy right now. Something happened today that I can't talk about in detail but which has relieved some pressure.

The jist of it is that someone has been leaning on me for a long time for various reasons. They tried to do something underhanded which would have made my life pretty miserable, but due to my own honesty they completely messed themself up. I really can't talk about details for legal reasons, but the short of it is that someone got jist of what they were trying to do to me, and not only tipped me off, but jumped ship (or you could say defected) at the same time.

I know that makes absolutely no sense but it is a really good thing, I just can't tell you why yet. And I can't talk about it until January 2010 either.. LOL!

So why make the post? Well, it is the first bit of good news I have had in a while and I wanted to share my happy mood :D

It doesn't make any real changes to my plans, but it means I have some extra strings to my bow.

I'll explain this cryptic post when it is safe to do so.


  1. Lol, I'll be looking forward to Januray then ;o)

    Any other news regarding your IM venture? Have you checked out Chris' new product? It might be just the thing for you. Just see the video at his blog:

  2. Hi Preben,

    Thanks for the link.

    I am actually considering to take your advice. I may be automating my link building process with some software and then release the software to cover the cost of developing it.
