Saturday 1 August 2009

Censorship at Warrior Forum

I woke up this morning to find my thread had been deleted.

No idea why, no PM to tell me either. Was it because I offered to tell people how to market their business for free?

Perhaps they thought I was going to create a WSO from this experience. Well, they would be wrong. I will go into the IM field one day, but that will be the day that I have a few million stashed up in the bank and a brand new system to release that no one else is using.

I guess less people will see this blog now but I will continue to monitor my progress. This blog makes me accountable and it will show if I slide and stop working.


  1. WF is weird sometimes. Dont take it personally. I'm interested in what you have to say and found some of your comments interesting... which, of course, is how i found my way here.


  2. This seems to be a pattern for me. I first found WF searching for the author of a FREE eBook that told how to make money online. Then, again, on a similar situation. Most recently, I found the article "Off-line Gold - The Missing Thread" and checked WF out again. Funny thing was that I found an article by you and clicked on your name (I didn't read it, so I don't remember what it was.) I saw your site, but was tired and went to bed. The next morning, I saw your update.

    Maybe it is my fault for visiting. It seems to be a trend, lol.

    I have you in my RSS feed to keep up with your progress. I am noping to make money online soon, myself.

    Good luck

  3. Hey Guys,

    Thanks fro the comments. Not taking it personally, there is a lot of back scratching going on over there (it's the nature of the beast).

    I am hoping to show with this blog that you can sustain a good living in a short space of time by following freely available information and a little brainpower (well I hope so at least, I need big money asap!).

    I'm going to share what works and make some videos to show how to do certain things. If you come across something that works just send it through to me and I'll investigate it.

    Anyway, I will check back soon :)
