Saturday 23 January 2010

Where have I been?

I've gone sooo Guerrilla that I can't even be seen...!

No, truth is I have been M.I.A. End of november my sites got hacked and a few deals I was working on fell through. This comhbined with Xmas and a new years trip to Ireland to see family killed my motivation for doing anything productive (you may not have heard, but the Irish like to drink :) ).

I also employed someone to do some work for me and they have been stalling until finally admitting they are going to keep my deposit and not do the work. I found myself making excuses for my lack of progress when ultimately the buck stopped with me. People let you down, things happen. Even if everything that can possibly go wrong, does go wrong, you are still the one in control, and responsible for making things work!

Luckily last week I snapped out of it. I finished converting my spare room into a home office and got back on the ball chasing the money. Things are getting tight now, I need a form of income before march or I am really going to be in the shit.

Having an organised place to work has helped get my head straight. I know my back is to the wall but I am working one task at a time and not letting it overwhelm me. I try to finish a task everyday, that way at the end of each day I feel like I have achieved something and am one step closer to my goal.

I am going to carry on working on the affiliate sites I set-up but I am not going to do any more. The income from them isn't great and they take a fair bit of work to get looking good. I am going to concentrate on sites for local businesses in the hope of getting a few quick flips that can go towards paying the mortgage.

I still have my big project working in the background but there is constant set back on that so I am not relying on it taking off immediately.

I'll be coming back hopefully over the next few weeks with some positive results and tactics that are proving effective.

Also, if you would like to do a JV I am willing to do all the SEO for a website if someone creates all the niche content. I like doing the SEo more than I like writing about obscure topics so it could work out well and possibly repeat it with several niches.

Anyway, take it easy and I will be back soon.

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