Wednesday 21 October 2009

A bit quiet eh?

I have been quiet on my blog as you may/may not have noticed. This is because I am putting together a proper business plan.

I found that by jumping in feet first I ended up doing a juggling act and certain areas got over looked. So I have taken a pause to write everything I am going to do in detail and create step by step instructions for everything before hand.

This will hopefully allow me to address any issues before I run into them and allow me to give step by step hand outs to any outsourcers I use.

I am about 20 pages into it so far and it is really helping me. It is funny how there were things I thought I had worked out 100% but when it comes to writing it down there were still a few things to iron out.

I can't recommend doing this highly enough. Before you understake a project, write down everything you will do in detail. Then from this create a schedule of what you need to be doing each day, and from that work out deadlines and milestones so you can keep on track and get the project finished.

I am also using the free version of aswell as Google docs for collaboration purposes and to track progress.


  1. Good to see you are still on target!

    I've been discussing this same issue with a future business partner.

    There is just no substitution for solid research and writing down a Business plan, he said business plans were just used if you were seeking investors, but I use mine as a guide, once you sit down and analyze each step you discover obstacles that were not seen the first time.

    I know things change and new plans have to be created, but if you don't have a basic guideline you travel blindfolded :P

  2. yeah, running a business properly is a very intricate process. you really need to write all your processes down or you will forget things and end up with lots of unfinsihed work.
