Tuesday, 15 September 2009

I Am Getting LAZY!!

My motivation has seriously lapsed last few days. Other than research a few keywords I haven't really done anything. Feel like a bit of a lay-about right now, going to get my laptop out and make a couple of sites.

If anyone is heading over to the london lunch this Friday I will be there. I think a lot of people go there to JV to their lists etc.. but I am just going to have a general chat with other marketers and see how they are getting on. Would be good motivation for me I hope. Never been to one of these things so I have no idea what to expect.

Will report back on how it goes.


  1. I've heard networking meetings like that is awesome for business, so good luck with that =)
    Btw, do you live close to London? If so, it would be cool if we could meet the next time I'm in London!

    As for laziness, I know the feeling... It gets you some times, but the most important thing to be productive is to get up early in the morning in my opinion. It sets you in a more productive mood, and it feels great when you have done a lot, and it's only 1pm =D

    Btw, which IM related skills would you say you are best on? Programming? Webdesign?

    And one last thing... Try doing som offline internet marketing. You'll be pleasantly surprised of how fun it is, and how fast people will call you an "expert". Just talk to people you know or have previously worked with that you know could use some marketing.

    - Preben

  2. Hey Preben,

    I agree with the early morning thing but I like working in the early hours. uts 1.40 am right now and I am just getting into my swing. Will probably be lunch time when i wake up.

    My best IM skills, I would say, are PPC, SEO & Squeeze pages. I used to do the designs myself but now I just make a simple mock up and get someone more skilled to come in and make it look pro. My coding skills are basic, I have people who do all the coding I need for me.

    Have a few little bits and bobs of business going on offline that is keeping me occupied but I really want the online passive profit to work out.

    If coming to London just drop me an email. If you time it right you can hit up the london lunch also.



  3. Hey,

    What london lunch was this? Im pretty new in IM and about to recieve my first affiliate payments :D ...I'd like to get a bit more involved with the UK industry now. I need some help on how to deal with recieving dollar payments and not loosing out of exchange or commission rates.

    I used to live in london for uni.. back home now, but wanna move back up as soon as my passive income allows.

    Im gonna book mark your blog so I can read up on how a UK IMer runs it.

    Take it easy,


  4. It was a meeting for people in IM. Good to get a chance to talk about IM etc..

  5. Hey Mike, even if it feels like procrastinating devote serious time to your mindset, once you achieve that, everything else works out naturally.

    Strong ideas that might be holding you back have to be faced, they might not even be conscious thoughts but they do hold you back, once you free yourself life becomes magical!

    It's incredible how much we absorb, it's all energy man.
