Friday, 31 July 2009

Day 1

OK, it 4.20am and I havent gone to sleep yet. Kinda dreading the week ahead of me.

I have chosen a celebrity name and created a hub page with a little text and some pictures and movies. (Got 1 fan almost instantly).

A guy I'm chatting with right now about IM gave me a super tip for hub pages.

Do a google search for: keyword inurl:hot hubs

This brings back the hot hub pages with good page rank. Then go into your hub and use each of these as tags and you will get listed in each one. I liked this trick!

I created a list of movie blogs and did a spam. There is aroud 20,000 exact searches a month for this name I am targetting but the competition doesnt really phase me. If it works I will rinse an repeat.

Right now whats annoying is that my author profile page is ranking but the actual hub isn't. Hopefully in a week or 2 I will take place in top 20 and I can test out the CPA poll method (fingers crossed it doesnt get my hub removed).

Made some contacts with some professional blackhatters today. Nice guys, one of them offered to school me in the latest tactics so I could get brought up to speed. Not sure what it is about guys who promote the porn industry but they all seem to have a wicked sense of humor.

My apparent "get rich and which way" attitude seems to have rubbed some people up the wrong way. That is unfortunate but doesn't deter me. Do people selling weight loss pills or tooth whitening systems get such a hard time? No, they slide by without comment. In truth these products are rubbish. Eating acai berries wont make you lose weight. Stop eating cakes and fast food and you will lose weight. Will using pro white pen make your teeth white? No, how white your teeth become is based on the strngth of the bleach and the pens have a very low concentration. This product is usually given to patients who have already had a strong bleach applied by dentist to keep the teeth white afer the treatment.

Anywhere you look in internet marketing there are shady areas. My long term goal is to create a free video tutorial website and monetize the traffic. I cannot even start this project until my bills are covered on auto pilot.

Anyway I am rambling now. Tomorrow I will register some aged domains and setup some autoblogs. I have a white hat project I was meant to be starting up that was going to cost me a couple of grand. Gotta do some serious thinking to see if I spend this money or if I save it for bills.

Ground Zero

Today was not the best day of the year for me...

This is how my day went.

9.00am - wake up and check the balance. £19,000 overdrawn (maxed to limit)

10.00am - Check the post and find a £20,000 back vat bill ontop of all the other tax already outstanding.

11.00am - add all the bills together and realise I'm £60,000 in the red.

It was some time after this that I came to the realisation that I will have to lay off all of my employees and start liquidation procedures.

Bottom Line: I have no income and will have around £16,000 personal debt after I wrap up company.

But hey! That's life. This isn't a blog about me feeling miserable for myself, this is a blog to motivate me and track my progress of getting back on track.

I have several goals for the next few months and year. Which are:
  • Make sure I wrap up company legally
  • Start making enough income to pay my stupidly high mortgage and bills
  • Create a passive profit that covers all of my overheads
  • Sell my ass off to pay off the personal debt
  • Come up with a new business idea and set it up.
I know a lot of people are in the same boat as me and also turning to IM as a solution. I have turned over millions of pounds in sales over the last few years and now I am reduced to pretty much nothing (less than nothing even). No savings, no income, no security.

My tools:
  • 8 years worth of SEO and marketing experience
  • Basic .net programming skills
  • Good telesales skills
So why am I writing about this? Well, partly to motivate myself, partly to help others in the same situation as me, and maybe partly just to keep me sane.

I plan on documenting my progress back to the top. Each idea I have or avenue I follow I will write about it here and let people (well, assuming anyone reads this) know what happens and how well it turns out.

So, step 1.

I am going to have a lot of loose ends to tie up with all my creditors who all want a bit of my blood for themselves. So the first goal is to turn some quick profit to pay the bills at the end of the month.

Yesterday I bought Xrumer, a blackhat tool to spam links. Yes, I know what your thinking, and guess what? I don't care! I will be pissing many people off using it but right now I dont have the time to lay down links manually or pay expensive link building costs.

My 2 pronged attack for this month is to:

1. Create autoblogs on low competition keyphrases and monetize the traffic
2. Sell web design, copywriting, seo & marketing services by cold calling companies.

If anyone who is in the same boat as me wants to join forces then just drop me a comment or send me a PM and we can share information on what works and what doesn't. But only do so if you are serious about taking action as I expect results!

Well, got a lot of work to do now, so will check back in a few days to report how things are progressing.

Peace out Peepz